Wednesday, March 26, 2014

What Constitutes a Great First Meeting Between Agent and Buyer?

To my way of thinking, the best first meeting with buyers is one that is informal yet meaningful.
The best meeting is one that has three parts as follows:
1) Getting to know each other.  I like to learn about family, work, leisure recreational pursuits,
and aspirations in terms of the ideal home for my clients. I also want my clients to know about me
and my philosophy about serving my clients as their Golden Colorado Realtor.
2) Asking question about the ideal home which involves a number of obvious factors such as
price, condition, location and livability. Livability focuses on features, functionality, flow and footprint.
3) Getting a level set on the buying power of my clients so I can advise them in accordance with the fiduciary responsibility that Agents have to Clients.  I make notes about credit score, the amount of equity in their current home, the amount of cash available for a down payment, etc.  The market is very competitive so I always urge my clients to get pre-approved or even pre-underwritten so they are ready to make an offer
when they decide on the home they want to buy.
After that meeting, I start the process of selecting homes for them to view the next time we meet.
Thanks from your Golden Colorado Realtor!

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