Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Golden, Colorado Realtor - How's The Market?

I am often asked, "How's the Market"? I know that the proper response is to pose some questions such as
"Which market are you asking about?"  Are you referring to the residential real estate market or the
commercial market? Are you interested  from the standpoint of a buyer, a seller or an investor.  If you are interested in selling or buying a home, what price points are you interested in targeting?   I realize that this sort of reverse questioning, correct though it is, might be a bit off putting for the person who might have made just a casual inquiry. I liken the question How's the Market?" to "What's it Like Living on Planet Earth?" So, the way I respond is to say the simple truth which is that this is a great time to be transacting as a buyer, a seller or an investor in real estate just as it is a great time to be alive on the Planet.

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